Italian-born and Parisian raised, Lilou Le Roux is a young woman whose mind is constantly plagued with grief after a childhood tragedy shook her family. While those closest to her urge her to let go, Lilou often finds distraction in chaos and eventually takes a keen eye to someone who seemingly welcomes her mayhem but at an emotional cost. When her aspiration as a jazz songstress takes her to New York City, it is there that she finds herself fighting for a love that is slowly awakening the truth within her.
Drama | Romance | Thriller | Sims 4 Subtitle Machinima Series | 2018
About This Show
Italian-born and Parisian raised, Lilou Le Roux is a young woman whose mind is constantly plagued with grief after a childhood tragedy shook her family. While those closest to her urge her to let go, Lilou often finds distraction in chaos and eventually takes a keen eye to someone who seemingly welcomes her mayhem but at an emotional cost. When her aspiration as a jazz songstress takes her to New York City, it is there that she finds herself fighting for a love that is slowly awakening the truth within her.
Directors: PixeliSimmer
Release Date: June, 2018
Genre: Action: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Subtitles: English [CC]
Audio languages: N/A
Budget: N/A
Produce By: PixeliSimmer
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